Rebranding Bank Cler, customer lounge at the Urania branch in Zurich

Bank Cler

A new bank for Switzerland

The Swiss miss an honest bank that truly acts in the best interests of its clients, and that lives up to its responsibility towards Swiss society. At the same time, digital transformation has reached the banking sector and changes expectations: banking has to become easier and more affordable.

We want the possibility to do all banking conveniently online, but without losing the option to talk with a financial advisor face to face. This is just where Bank Cler starts: the Swiss Bank with a social conscience that makes a wholehearted effort for its clients and takes advantage of digitalization to make their lives easier.

Bank Cler logo white on blue
Bank Cler mobile website on smartphone screen

«Cler is Rhaeto-Romanic for clear, plain, simple. The new name says it all: Bank Cler wants to make banking as straightforward and convenient as possible.»

Lukas Staudenmann, Lead Strategy and Naming

Bank Cler floating bank cards

Fit for digitalization

The whole visual identity is designed to meet the demands of ongoing digitalization in financial services. Barrier-free web usage was taken into account right from the beginning e.g. when creating a brand colour system and typography. Characteristic micro animations add brand flavour to digital interactions in a subtle way.

All along, important interface components such as title types, text styles or links, buttons, lists, etc. were designed for website, e-banking, and mobile applications at the same time. An extensive set of icons responds to both UX needs and demand for faster orientation in the physical branch offices.

Smartphone screen Bank Cler Zak App, Transfer
Bank Cler Quanto App on mobile screen
Bank Cler Website mycler desktop

The branch office is a statement

Clients and visitors are welcomed in an open co-working space. They decide where and how they prefer talking with their advisor: comfortably in the lounge, quickly at the counter, or discretely in a meeting room. The atmosphere is inviting and uncomplicated: fresh colors, light-coloured wood, digital media, comfortable studio furniture.

Bank Cler Branch Sinage

A relaxed co-working space replaces the formal counter area: open rooms, fresh colours, digital media

Bank Cler Interior design of Urania branch with yellow sofa and large C sculpture
Bank Cler branch, interior design
Bank Cler icons white on blue

Take off your tie

The client advisors have a whole new range of outfits at their disposal. From elegant to casual, depending on occasion and personal preference. By the colorful accessories combined with black and white garments, the clients recognize right away who belongs to the bank.

Portrait of a Bank Cler employee in Corporate Clothes
Bank Cler corporate clothing: sweater and scarf
Bank Cler Corporate Clothing shirt cuff embroidered with a C
Bank Cler Corporate Clothing Employee Clothing, scarfs

Getting straight to the point in a charming way

«Clear and direct, in words and pictures» sums up Bank Cler communication perfectly. Real and human, free of platitudes or clichés, and always with a little charm.

Bank Cler Overview of brochures
Bank Cler stationery
Bank Cler business cards in blue and white
Bank Cler, brand world overview, Corporate Design

Striking challenger design

The distinctive design stands out against the conventions of the sector. From logo, brand colours, imagery, icons, and interface components to style of animation and sound up to UX principles and tone of voice – in every facet, the design underlines the brand’s claim: clearer, fresher, digital.

Powerful logo and capital C

The logo is of great simplicity. It makes a strong impact in every size and usage, and is consistent in all the Swiss national languages. The logotype allows the prominent initial C to stand on its own, e.g. as a favicon, as a profile picture on social media, or as a physical supersign in the branch offices.

Vivid blue

The bright blue is crucial for the visual appearance of Bank Cler. It is a first in Swiss banking, and differs from both the classic dark blue and the prevalent Swiss red.

Exclusive brand typeface customized for banking

The Cler font has a very clear look, is highly contemporary, and has been tailored to the demands of banking. The numbers’ design has been optimized for maximum clarity and perfect alignment in tables. An additional narrow version meets the special needs in reporting and forms.

Corporate Colors Bank Cler, colorful dots
Bank Cler typography, white font on blue background


Our work for the rebranding of Bank Cler has been awarded a Global Rebrand 100 with Distinction, the DDC Silver Award (German Designer Club) in the identity category, an iF Design Award for “Corporate Identity / Branding”, a German Brand Award for “Brand Design”, a Corporate Design Award, and an International Sound Award (ISA) for audio branding.

Logos of the awards won for the rebranding of Bank Cler


Brand analysis | Brand positioning | Brand values | Brand promise | Naming | Code of conduct | Leadership principles | Corporate design | Corporate language | Corporate sound | CI/CD guidelines | picture style and picture pool | Interface design for web and banking applications | Printed publications and collateral | Text for online and print | Supervision of branch resign | Internal implementation | Launch | Management of legal IP research and trademark registrations | Evaluation and guidance of advertising agency | Evaluation and guidance of architects for branch interior | KPI definition and controlling.