Ivana Schenk

Strategy, Consulting

Ivana Schenk, Consultant at Scholtysik & Partner AG

Ivana Schenk is a brand consultant and project manager with a focus on brand analysis, brand positioning, communication strategy and implementation of complex rebranding. After completing her commercial training, she soon moved into marketing communications. She obtained a federal diploma as communication specialist and was in charge of strategic marketing projects at Migros. She then moved to the agency side and managed various branding projects in well-known Swiss agencies. 2021 she completed a CAS in Digital Brand Management at Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). In 2024, she joined Scholtysik.

Selected Accounts
LGT Capital Partners, Helsana, Swissgrid, ESCMID (European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases), TX Group, SWISS, Homburger, fenaco Genossenschaft, Tonhalle Orchester, SV Group, SV Restaurant, Migros Genossenschaft Ostschweiz, Stiftung Fourfold.